While serving my Father in Heaven, I have realized how grateful I am for Loving Parents, who taught me many life lessons. I recall back to past experiences of my life and I realize how many of those lessons were taught by my parents. Personally, both of my parents taught me how to be a hard worker. My father is a great role model, because of his example of hard work. If he wasn't in the Coal Mines, he was in the Garden,Car port fixing an Engine, or chopping wood.
Not only did i learn from his example, but from personal experience working side by side with him, regardless of how old, or what my capabilites were. Some of my favorite times were working on Vehicles, and Chopping wood. Those were the times, where I knew my Father knew me, and I knew him. We could confide in each other, and enjoy one anothers company while we were getting the Job done!
I realize now, that as I was doing my Father's work, I came to know him, his work became "our work". We had a great purpose, whether that was heating our house for another winter or allowing one of my Family members to have more transportation.
Life, for me is about having relationships, with Family, friends and especially My Father in Heaven and his son Jesus Christ, they are my Family! I know that just like my Earthly Father, My Heavenly Father has a work for me to do. In fact our Heavenly Father has a work for all of his children to do. We can know what that work is, by getting engaged in it! More importantly it will be the time that we know our Father in Heaven Knows us and we will know him. (John 7:17)
For those of you, who haven't had these experiences, or don't feel that you have a Father. I say that God is our loving Heavenly Father. He wants you to have experience, learn life lessons, confide in him, and get the Job done! (Moses 1:39)
What is our Heavenly Fathers work ? What is it that we should be Engaged in ? What is the greatest Commandment?
Jesus Taught "Love the Lord thy God with all thine Heart"and "Love one another". This past week we were able to hear the Prophet and the apostles speak of how we can help and "Love one another". Brothers and Sisters this is God's work, to Love one another! I know that as we go out of our way to help someone in need, share God's wonderful Plan of Happiness, or just talk to someone, we are in some small way doing a portion of our Father's work. I know because, I have been Fortunate enough to assist in my Heavenly Father's work and I invite all of you to assist as well. King Benjamin in the Book of Mormon invites us to do so.( and now, if you dbelieve all these things see that ye edo them. (Mosiah 4:10) Brothers and Sisters the world will be a better place as we "Love one another".
Elder Miner,
ReplyDeleteI love this blog post. It really opens my eyes when I work with my dad. It's not his work it's "OUR" work. Heavenly Father does have work for us to do on this earth and going on a mission is a BIG part of that work.
I love you Elder Miner. Keep up the good work.