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Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Finding God in High Places

 Going from the beautiful mountains of western Montana to the beauty of the "Big sky" in Eastern Montana, I have thought about a phrase I have heard quite a bit. " My church is those mountains right there"
I couldn't agree more, there truly is something about the quiet, still, peace you feel while you are standing in a grove of trees or high on a mountain top. I along with many hikers, hunters and people who enjoy the outdoors feel God's presence.

I Believe that the sky for instance is his canvas, and he paints us beautiful pictures to show us that he created all of this for us. In the Scriptures, all of the Prophets had their most spiritual experiences in the wilderness. I never thought that i would have one of my most spiritual experiences on the plains of Eastern Wyoming. I am a mountain person through and through, but the beauty of God is he can touch us anywhere, if we allow him to. The time that I can clear my head and talk to God the most is when i am in the mountains, Shed Horn hunting.  I love to recall on a man name Enos, who was a prophet of God, he like myself made/makes mistakes in life, he needed to clear his head as well. This is his story: I

, aEnos, knowing my father that bhe was a just man—for he ctaught me in his language, and also in the dnurture and admonition of the Lord—and blessed be the name of my God for it—
 2And I will tell you of the awrestle which I had before God, before I received a bremission of my sins.
 3Behold, I went to hunt beasts in the forests; and the words which I had often heard my father speak concerning eternal life, and the ajoy of the saints, bsunk deep into my heart.
 4And my soul ahungered; and I bkneeled down before my Maker, and I ccried unto him in mighty dprayer and supplication for mine own soul; and all the day long did I cry unto him; yea, and when the night came I did still raise my voice high that it reached the heavens.

If you want to know more about Enos, follow the link, or try it for yourself, Pray! go to your place of peace, quiet and solitude. I know from personal experience, even being hard headed that God touched me and he will touch you, he loves everyone of us and he wants us to experience all that he has!

Thursday, 10 March 2011

Fire it up!!!

"Let's Fire  it up!", is what I would yell while on the side line during my Football games in High school. Some of you might wonder why I would do this. Yesterday we were talking with this lady who was teaching us about prayer, and as we talked about prayer we talked about the things we pray for. Strenghth, Direction, Peace, and Comfort are some of the things that all of us find ourselves praying for. I like to see what the disciples of Christ prayed for.  "And they did pray for that which they most desired; and they desired that the aHoly Ghost should be given unto them."

In short the Holy Ghost is the comforter, he does bring peace and greater direction into our life. So how does all of this tie into Football ? The Holy Ghost is a Fire in ourselves, Fire is always mentioned with receiving the Holy Ghost after Baptism. That Fire that is placed within us is "Our Drive", whether it is out on the Gridiron,or our righteous desire to serve God.

I would feel that Fire, that drive, that Desire on the Field and i would want everyone to feel it as well because when all of us had it our team was unstoppable, we could do Miracles on the Field. I promise you all of us want the same thing and we want it all the time, we want the Holy Ghost we want the Fire! It starts with one, but we need to allow others to feel it, so they can run with it! I know that we can do Miracles, when we have the Fire!

Thursday, 3 March 2011


As many of you know, I used to build Concrete Foundations and other sorts of Concrete work.  "Concrete work,thats hard work" Is what you will hear almost all the time.

Why does Concrete work have that affect on people ?

There are many little steps that it takes into building a foundation. First you start with a plan, or Blue Print then you build your Footings, which is usually a concrete path that you will build your wall on.. All of which is strenghtened by Rebar and tie wire which holds it together.

Worker bending to tie rebar by handWhen i first started Concrete construction work i thought it was back breaking and monotonous. Alot of little things to do to build a Foundation. As i became more experienced in the field of work, i started to understand why every little step mattered in Building a strong foundation. In order for the Foundation to stand strong and withhold years of "wear and tear" it needs to be done with exactness. You have to have everything square and Precise.

All of us have a Foundation, whether we think it or not. It is built on our personal life, Some maybe stronger than others. Some may be built upon the Principle of good work Ethic and some maybe built upon our Families. God gave all of his children the materials to build our own Foundations. He sent his Son, to be our example and he gives us the Opportunity to build our Foundation upon him.

10And, Thou, Lord, in the beginning hast laid the afoundation of the earth; and the heavens are the works of thine bhands.

We can build our Foundation upon the Rock of our Redeemer, I think that is so amazing because before you can build your Foundation you have to have something solid to build it on!

12And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the arock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God, that ye must build your bfoundation; that when the devil shall send forth his mighty winds, yea, his shafts in the whirlwind, yea, when all his hail and his mighty cstorm shall beat upon you, it shall have no power over you to drag you down to the gulf of misery and endless wo, because of the rock upon which ye are built, which is a sure foundation, a foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall.

Christ is our Rock, he is more Solid than anything in this world, we can build our Foundation upon him through Faith in Jesus Christ, Repenting, Baptism by Immersion ,by the Proper Authority of God and having a willingness and a Desire to serve God. 

I know by doing so, you will have a solid Foundation. That when Trials, Temptations and Afflictions come to you in many diverse ways, they will have no power over you because of the rock upon which ye are built, which is a sure foundation, a foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall. I leave you my Witness that Jesus Christ lives and Loves everyone of us and God has provided us with the materials to have a solid foundation. The Gospel is True, we will be so much happier when we follow it! In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen