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Wednesday, 23 February 2011

The need for a Prophet !

There are many out there, who say "we have the word of God in its fulness with the Bible". The Bible is the word of God. It was written by Prophets of old, who gave their witness of God and Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit and Revelation which was in them.  Those Prophets like Adam, Noah, and Abraham were given the Priesthood( The Power and Authority to act in God's name for the salvation of his Children.) Of course Noah told the people to Repent, but God gives each of us a gift, that gift is Agency or the ability to choose from right and from wrong. As we see a pattern throughout the Old Testament, God called many prophets and everytime a prophet was on the earth he was rejected and killed ,the people chose not to believe the Prophet. Why would our basic human tendencies change today?

Those basic human tendencies, stop us from accepting truth as it has in the past, It is my invitation to all of us to " Put off the natural man and becometh a saint through the Atonement of Jesus Christ" the way we can do this is to yield to the Enticings of the Holy Spirit , meaning listen and act upon the the light of Christ which is in us.
 (Mosiah 3:19 The Book of Mormon another Testament of Jesus Christ)

Brothers and Sisters, as we are all children of our Heavenly Father who loves us, I bear my witness, through the power of sincere Prayer, the Holy Spirit, and taking the Apostle Jame's counsel in the 1st Chapter and the 5th verse. " If any of you lack wisdom let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally(freely) and upbraideth not" ( God will not judge us for asking him in faith, believing in him.) You will know and Feel that  God has called another Prophet to the earth  as I do.

I invite you to consider God's love, that he has again called another prophet to lead and guide all men as he did with Noah, Joseph Smith, and Thomas S. Monson who leads and guides us today.

I know that God has called a prophet in this day and age for the whole world to listen to and see the example of how God would want his children to be treated. The prophet is not there to force us, but he is there to inform us that God lives and that through the priesthood and the Atonement of Jesus Christ (the suffering, death and Ressurection) we can again return to live with God, and Jesus Christ as Families, I do so in the sacred name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Thursday, 17 February 2011

Work& Perspective

With the weather being Frigid, and learning all about perspective over these three weeks. I have Learned that Perspective is everything. Work, is our personal Responsibility, spiritually and Temporally.

 A traveler passed a stone quarry and saw three men working. He asked each man what he was doing. Each man’s answer revealed a different attitude toward the same job. “I am cutting stone,” the first man answered. The second replied, “I am earning three gold pieces per day.” The third man smiled and said, “I am helping to build a house of God.”

There is no real division between spiritual, mental, and physical work. Work is essential to each of us for growth, character development, and many satisfactions.

If we work without a vision, it is Drudgery, If we have a vision without work it is day Dreaming.
 Let your minds and Hearts have the Perspective  that is pleasing to the Lord!

Sunday, 6 February 2011

Directing the Lord's Work

"A Testimony is what we know to be true not intellectually, but by the power of the Holy Ghost. Its one thing to know it is true and its another thing to be true to what we know"
David A. Bednar